The province of Bohol is one of the ten provinces that implemented the AusAID-funded Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF) in 2009-2015. This intervention led to the preparation of the Provincial Road Network Development Plan (PRNDP) that required the identification of provincial core roads and priority investments. This framework was later applied to the provinces that availed of the KALSADA / Conditional Matching Grant Program (CMGP).
At present, under the supervision of the Department of Interior and Local Government, the provinces are required to prepare the Local Road Network Development Plan (LRNDP).
The LRNDP provides the means for the strategic development of local road networks based on sound technical, social, economic and environmental criteria. Once formulated, it provides the direction for the development of the road sector in the province and supports the Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan and the overall development framework of the province. The LRNDP is the plan of the province that guides the development and management of the local road network within its jurisdiction.
For the province of Bohol, the preparation of the LRNDP went through a participatory process. It involved those sectors primarily concerned with Local Road Management (LRM) or engineering services as well as those departments involved in the other aspects of local governance: Planning and Budgeting; Procurement; Public Financial Management; Revenue Generation; HRMD; Internal Audit; DRRM-CCA and Environmental Sustainability; and, Road Safety.
Aside from the participants coming from the PGBh, these activities were also attended by the municipal and city engineers and representatives of national government agencies. There were also representatives coming from the civil society organizations who are also members of the Bohol Road Sector Committee representing Holy Name University, Bohol Island State University, University of Bohol and Bohol Institute of Technology. The Department of Public Works and Highways was also represented.
The formulation of the Bohol – LRNDP went through a series of workshops and consultation activities.
Click HERE to open the LRNDP 2018-2022 document.
Hi sir Willy!
Good day. Does your good office have the updated PRNDP? I understand that the PRNDP is updated annually to evaluate and update progress in the transportation sector. Thank you!
Hi Michelle,
According to the people in-charge, they are yet on the early stage of the process of updating the PNRDP.