With the assistance of the national and regional Department of Transportation’s Local Transport Franchise and Regulatory Board (DOTr-LTFRB), Road Sector Technical Working Team of the Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) conducted a series of dialogues and Local Government Unit (LGU) reorientation and writeshop on Local Public Transport rout Plan (LPTRP) preparation during the last quarter of the 2022.
Public transportation planning in cities, municipalities and provinces were required to guide the development of their respective current transportation systems into appropriate mass transit systems. The three-year plan also considers future tourism, environmental, socio-economic and infrastructure developments in various localities.
The LPTRP will guide LGUs in determining the appropriate public transportation routes within its locality based on passenger demand and corresponding public transport services.
Levelling Off with DOTr LTFRB Central and Regional Office
On October 26, 2022, LTFRB officer-in-charge Engr. Riza Marie T. Paches led her central and regional agency teams during a visit to Bohol to meet with Bohol Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) Infrastructure Technical Team and all 48 City/Municipal Planning and development Coordinators and/or representatives.
During the dialogue, a leveling-off activity was held on various issues and concerns experienced in the drafting of the LPTRPs. Follow-up activities were also scheduled. Governor Aris Aumentado also met with LTFRB and the planning coordinators to emphasize on the importance of preparing a provincial comprehensive transport route plan for local commuters.

Capacity-Building Course on LPTRP Development for LGUs
As per agreement during the dialogue with the Land Transportation Regulatory Board (LTFRB), a follow-up Capacity Building for Municipal LGUs to facilitate the completion of all 48 C/MLPTRPs necessary for the development of the Comprehensive Bohol Provincial LPTRP. The capacity building program held on December 8 to 10, 2022, includes:
- Orientation on the Guidelines for the Preparation of LPTRP
- Practicum on the Actual Area Traffic Surveys, and
- Writeshop for the initial draft of Municipal LPTRPs for submission to the LTFRB-7

Writeshop for Provincial Pool of Road Sector Technical Writers
As follow-up to the Capacity Building on the Preparation of the LPTRP for municipal LGUs, the Bohol Provincial Government (PGBh), in coordination with the DOTr-LTFRB held a 5-day Seminar-Workshop on the Consolidation and Drafting of the Bohol Provincial Public Transport Route Plan (PPTRP) on December 12 to 16, 2022 at the Bohol Bee Farm, Barangay Dao in Dauis, Bohol.