July 01, Tagbilaran City Charter Day, is a busy time for the new administration. Since World Bank’s (WB) Senior Procurement Specialist Mr. Dominic Aumentado, a relative of the governor, is in Bohol to attend the Abante Bohol Business Dialogue held in Panglao, he made use of the chance to meet with Governor Aumentado and assist in the reporting accomplishments of the Philippine Rural Development Project, Project Management and Implementing Unit (PRDP-PPMIU) of Bohol and provide some inputs on the proposed WB-/DOT Sustainable Inclusive and Resilient Tourism (SIRT).
Already operational since 2016, PRDP is a major WB DA – funded poverty alleviation undertaking that contributes to poverty alleviation and food sustainability, not only to Bohol but to the entire Region VII as well. It is a national project that aims to establish a modern, value chain-oriented and climate-resilient agriculture and fishery sectors. In partnership with local government units (LGUs) and the private sector, the Project provides key infrastructure, facilities, technology and information to raise income, productivity and competitiveness in targeted areas. Likewise, it aims to strengthen good governance, transparency and accountability mechanisms at all stages of the project cycle.
The PRDP, was given an “Unqualified Opinion” by the Commission on Audit as stated in the commission’s Independent Auditor’s Report for all its submitted Financial Statements and their Accompanying State of Sources and Application of Funds (SSAFs). The findings are specified in the 2021 Year-End Management Letter on the Audit of the PRDP issued on April 30, 2022, by the COA Main Office.
In attendance with Governor Aris and WB’s Dominic Aumentado during the presentation were the members of the Bohol Transition Management Team (TMT) and the heads and personnel of PRDP PPMIU concerned Provincial Government of Bohol (PGBh) departments, namely; the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO), Provincial Engineer’s Office (PEO), Office of the Provincial Veterinarian (OPV), Provincial Budget Management Office (PBMO) and, the Provincial Agriculture Office (OPA) together with a representative of the PRDP Provincial Support Office – Visayas Cluster.
*An unqualified opinion refers to an independent auditor’s judgment that is expressed when the auditor concludes that the financial statements are presented fairly and appropriately, in all material respects, and in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.