As proof of the Provincial Government of Bohol’s continuous excellent performance and consistency, PRDP PPMIU has again received four (4) “Unqualified Opinion” findings as stated in the Independent Auditor’s Report of the Commission on Audit, a section of the 2021 Year-End Management Letter on the Audit of the PRDP released last April 30, 2022. The findings are for all submitted (2) Financial Statements and their (2) Accompanying State of Sources and Application of Funds (SSAFs) for PRDP’s two (2) funding classifications, namely, PRDP-Loan Proceeds and PRDP-Grant Proceeds.
An unqualified opinion is an independent auditor’s judgment that is expressed when the auditor concludes that the financial statements are presented fairly and appropriately, in all material respects, and in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
The PRDP PPMIU-Bohol is composed of its unit components: I-PLAN, I-BUILD, I-REAP, and I-SUPPORT overseen by various PGBh departments, namely; the Provincial Engineer’s Office (PEO), Office of the Provincial Veterinarian (OPV), Provincial Budget Management Office (PBMO), PPDO concerned sectors and the Provincial Agriculture Office (OPA) with the guidance of Ms. Nenet Clenuar from the PRDP Provincial Support Office – Visayas Cluster. The PPMIU is headed by PPDC Atty. John Titus Vistal, the Provincial Project Coordinator.