The Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) is formulated at the provincial level and merges the traditionally separate provincial physical framework plan and provincial development plan to address the disconnect between spatial and sectoral factors and between medium and long-term concerns. It contains the long-term vision of the province, and identifies development goals, strategies, objectives/targets and corresponding PPAs which serve as primary inputs to provincial investment programming and subsequent budgeting and plan implementation. (JMC No. 1 s. 2007)
You may download the current document from the link below.
Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) 2010-2015
Please include me in your mailing list.
Thank you!
Hi Miriam, thanks for the comment. However, we don’t send regular email news letters, if that’s what you mean. But you can subscribe to the RSS Feeds of this website if you want to get alerts for new posts. You can use most of the popular email clients (Thunderbird for one) to fetch RSS Feeds and also emails and save them on your computer. Regards.
where or how can I read the whole document of your PDPFP, thanks.
Hello, thanks for your inquiry. The whole PDPFP document may be downloaded from the left panel of our website under “DOCUMENTS TO DOWNLOAD” section. Please scroll through the list to find the Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan. The document is in 3 volumes and needs to be downloaded separately. Just click on the volume link to download. The downloaded file is a 7-zip compressed PDF file which needs to be decompressed using a 7-zip capable file archiver. If you don’t have one, you may download it from their website. 7-zip is a free open source software and is available for most major platform.
gud morning sir/mam.. can we ask from your province a copy of executive order of provincial land use committee technical working group as our guide for our pdpfp formulation
You may find the Executive Order on page 234 of our PDPFP Volume 1: Main Plan Document.
I would like to commend the effort of the Province of Bohol for their efforts in informing the Public of the Plans and Programs of the Government. This will be helpful in achieving full support of the public.
Thank you Ms. Ann
how can i access the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the province of Bohol
is clup a section of the pdpfp?
Hi Ms. Angelita,
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) is only for the municipalities. In the provincial level, the equivalent document to the CLUP will be the PDPFP. You may access the PDPFP from this link: Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan.
thanks Willy
good morning sir do you have the land use plan of Cortes and the list or location of infrastructure specially the land marks of Cortes
thank you and God Bless
Hi Ruby,
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of the Municipality of Cortes is for the municipality to dispose. While PPDO-Bohol is providing assistance to the Municipality of Cortes in updating their CLUP, such document is still being worked out and as of the moment, while the updates are not yet approved, their current CLUP is still the official document.
Good Day,
Would you have any CLUP of Tagbilaran and the list or location of infrastructure or any other related information on this matter. Many Thanks
Hi Richard,
We only have on file the old version of the CLUP of Tagbilaran in hard copy. They are currently updating their CLUP but no final approved updated version as yet. You might want to communicate with the City Planning and Development Office for more information regarding the matter.
With respect to infrastructure, we don’t have such data. Perhaps you might want to communicate with the City Engineer’s Office regarding the matter.
Good day Sir,
How may I know the CLUP of Garcia – hernandez, Bohol ?
With respect to the plant facility (PMSC) located in the area. What is the zoning category of the leased Area?
Thank you for considering my querry.
Hi Ritchielyn, thank you for your query. However, the can’t answer the question regarding the CLUP of Garcia-Hernandez. You might want to refer your query to the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator or to the Municipal Zoning Officer.
Hi Sir, this is from NEDA Central Office. Are you considering the establishment of Iron and Steel in Bohol for the province’s industrialization? Why and why not? Thank you.
Hi, the Bohol Environment Code and also the Investment Code does not allow heavy industries. Only light industries are allowed in the province.
Thank you sir.
Hi Engr Willy Bueno:
Good day to you. I am currently reviewing for the 2018 EnP Board Exams and I do find the plans and reports here in Bohol PPDO very beneficial to my studies. Keep up the good work!
I don’t do the plan, I only administer the website. In behalf of PPDO-Bohol, thank you for the complement.
Can i ask for the zoning value of municipalities in Bohol. Thank you.
I’m sorry, the PPDO don’t have such data. You might want to address your query with the Provincial Assessor’s Office. Thank you.
May we request a gis shapefiles/dem of the maps of the PDPF Plan for our teaching and research.
Thank you for your attention.
Hi Carlos, you may get some of the shapefiles HERE. Some shapefiles have restrictions from our sources and may be accessed through them. Some of the maps show indicative locations and do not have shapefiles.
Good am Sir Willy.
May we request for a copy of the CLUPs of Valencia and Garcia Hernandez?
Thank you very much!
Hi Alexis, CLUPs will only be distributed by the respective municipalities. Please refer your request to the municipalities of Garcia-Hernandez and Valencia Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC).