
Bohol offers a wide assortment of ecological and cultural points of interest. The existing major tourist attractions range from the geological to the historical, natural and religious, making Bohol a magnet for those wishing to invest in the tourism business.

Bohol anchors its tourism package on what is called

its tourism pillars; the Chocolate Hills (a National Geological Monument, the province’s signature attraction); its white-sand beach areas of Panglao Island, dive spots in Balicasag and Cabilao Islands where one can marvel at the colorful and exotic display of marine life; the Philippine Tarsier (one of the smallest living primate and oldest land Species in continuous existence in the Philippines belonging to    the primitive sub-order Prosimii datinf around 45 million years); its heritage structure of coralline stone  erected during the Spanish era that include churches, convents, watchtowers, escuelas de niños fascinating culture and history rich in texture and y niñas , cabildo and presidencias; and Bohol’s topography, dynamic arts and cultural traditions worth to treasure.

Within a single holiday, the tourist can swim with the fishes, dive in one of the world’s finest coral reefs or be awed by the centuries-old stone churches and other structures. Bohol’s natural attractions and rich culture history combine to make a visit to the province unique and worthwhile

  • Agro-industrial Development

The  province identified nine (9) priority sub-sectors for commercial production, namely: cereal, mango, coconut, tree enterprise, cut flower, rootcrops, vegetables, livestocks and acquacultur. Particular areas for investment are high-value crop production, setting-up of post-harvest facilities, feed mill and fruit/fishing of fresh water species culture (in selected/limlited sites) and processing.

Manufacturing ventures will be largely agri-based utilizing abundant raw materials in the area’ i.e. , processing of fish, meat, prawn, banana, rootcrops and mangoes. About 120,000 mango trees are currently fruit-bearing with another 80,000 trees yielding in 3 to 4 years. Bohol is also a leading seaweed producer in the country, a top supplier of carageenan, a gelling agentuse extensively as thickener or emulsifier in almost every commercial products from medicine, toothpaste, ice cream, chocolate, cosmetics and even beer.



 The northern corridor of Bohol is identified as the zone for industrial development in the province. The province has seen the establishment of special Economic Zones as a critical to the generation of investments in light manufacturing and agro-industries. About 550 hectares is proposed for industrial estate development in 6 municipalities in the Second district of Bohol. In the northwest corridor of the province, 3 initial industrial estate sites are identified covering 3 municipalities. Presently, there is one tourism estate, thePanglao Island Tourism Estate (PITE) in bohol covering a total of 2 thousand hectares.




2 thoughts on “Tourism”

  1. hi, can you please tell me the contact info or the email address of Bohol Tourism Office? I just had a very bad and worst accommodations last Dec,2024 with my family. Thanks .


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