Land Use Map

Land Use Map

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The Land use Map shows different Land Use delineation categorized as follows: Built-up, Protected, Agricultural, Tourism, Industrial, and Military Reservation Areas. Base map features were digitized from the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) Topographic Map sheets scaled at 1:50,000 using heads-up digitizing method. Land Use features were digitized from the Bureau of Soils and Water Management Land Use/Vegetation map, the Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development (NPAAAD) and data from various planning workshops.

Available in PDF and JPG formats, this map may be downloaded and used for free provided that no alterations are made to the map and that proper citations be referred to this source.

20 thoughts on “Land Use Map”

    • Hi Michelle,

      The map was composed using various data sources some of which we can’t distribute. The NPAAAD shapefile can be downloaded under the Shapefiles section in the Provincial Atlas menu. Other sources you may have to ask from: BFAR for the Marine Protected Areas; DENR for Land Classification and NIPAs areas; and from the PGBh BICTU for Tourism Sites. Other Base Map components can also be downloaded here under the Shapefiles section.

  1. Hi sir Willy, may I request for the zoning and land use map of cortes, bohol for the requirement of my thesis. Thank you and good day.

    • Hi Angelica, you might want to be in touched with the Municipality of Cortes for their Zoning and Land Use. The the PPDO did gave assistance for the formulation of their Land Use, it was not yet finalized.

    • The Zoning and Land Use Map of the Municipality of Talibon are not for us to distribute. You may want to contact the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) to get those maps.

  2. Hello Sir Willy and good evening! In partial fulfillment for our thesis, we would like to ask where to request for the land use and zoning maps of Panglao, Bohol, and to whom we may be able to contact for concerns.

    Thank you and God bless!

    • Hello Naika, you might want to visit the Municipal Planning and Development Office of Panglao. I can’t find their website, but there’s a website of the Tourism Office, perhaps you can start there.

  3. Hello Sir/Maam,

    This is Willyn Buena from Boholana Realty Brokerage & Appraisal Co. Office address at 27 E-Butalid Street Tagbilaran City.
    Is this the most updated Zoning of our Province of Bohol ? I am a Licensed Appraiser and I need to use the Zoning po . Thank you !

    • Hi Ezekiel, we don’t have such data. You might want to refer your concern to the Tagbilaran City Planning and Development Office.

    • Hi John, we don’t have such data. You might want to refer your request to the Municipal Planning and Development Office of Lila.

  4. Good day sir, In partial fulfillment for my thesis, I would like to ask where to request for the land use land cover for the Loboc Watershed.

    • Hi Juville, do you need the land cover of all municipalities within the Loboc Watershed area, or just for a particular municipality. It would take some time to produce the map of multiple municipalities. Also, you may only be able to acquire Land Use Maps directly to the municipality of interest.

  5. good day, i am studying for an investor for panglao island, may i request for the land use plan, zoning ordinance and tourism statistics such as arrivals and number of rooms in the island? thank you for this.

    • Hi Ms. TJ, Good Day! Kindly refer to the Municipal Planning and Development Office of the Municipality of Panglao for the official copy of their Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) as well as other relevant data. You may contact them through their email address at


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